
The Hope of Salvation
We believe everyone in the world needs to hear the gospel and experience the hope of salvation. That is why we support missions organizations all over the world. If you would like to learn more about our global outreach and stay up to date on all things missions related at New Hope, click the link below.
Supporting Missions
Giving to missions at New Hope means you are supporting men and women all over the world to share God’s love.
Select “Missions” under the Give drop-down menu.
Select “Missions” under the Give drop-down menu.

Our MIssion Partners

70% of people in the world have not made a decision for Christ. We are on a mission to change that. God calls His people to go and make disciples locally and globally.
World Gospel Mission mobilizes people to transform the world for Christ.
World Gospel Mission mobilizes people to transform the world for Christ.

Our goal is to plant seeds that will eventually harvest into sustainable missionary movements from anywhere to everywhere, even in the darkest unreached places.
We believe the power of the Gospel in the hands of disciple-makers will transform all nations.

The meaning of Evangelical simply means “proclaimer of the Good News.” As The Evangelical Church, we are not ashamed of the Good News (Romans 1:16), but rather we let it define us. We are people who have been redeemed by the work of Christ and want the world to know this same gift is available to every person. This “Good News” defines us, unites us, and mobilizes us on the Mission of Christ.
Lives are being transformed around the world as people encounter God’s power through His Word. Local churches and organizations are rising up to take leadership of Bible translation and reach people with the Good News of Jesus. More and more local people are asking us to partner with them to help them get God’s Word!
We want to say “yes” to every opportunity for Bible translation that God provides. Your support is an essential part of making these global partnerships possible!
We’re supporting nine of these partnerships in East Asia, Africa, Eurasia and South Asia through our 2024 Summer Campaign.
We want to say “yes” to every opportunity for Bible translation that God provides. Your support is an essential part of making these global partnerships possible!
We’re supporting nine of these partnerships in East Asia, Africa, Eurasia and South Asia through our 2024 Summer Campaign.

Otino Waa Children’s Village began in 2003 as a mission to rescue 78 orphans who were being targeted by the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) to be abducted as child soldiers. Today, Otino Waa houses over 300 orphan children and has onsite medical and dental clinics, primary and secondary schools, vocation training centers, and a café that is open to the public. Children live in houses of 8 along with House Moms, who are widows from the community. Orphaned children as young as the age of 5 are accepted each year, as space allows, and are with us through graduation from secondary school. Many of our children qualify for scholarships and we continue to support them through higher education.

Providing professional medical services and the information needed to be empowered to make decisions about life and pregnancy.

Warm Springs Food Cards
To reach out with the love of Jesus to the people of Warm Spring Reservation and to help those in need

Strengthening Christian Leaders through R.E.S.T (Retreat /Encouragment /Safety /Transformation) to further the nations for Christ.

We’re seeing God use all kinds of people in surprising ways to bring the gospel to a world still waiting to hear. Don’t let your questions stand in the way.