Weekly Men’s Bible Study
Taking time each week to study and discuss the Bible is so important for men to do. That is why we offer multiple weekly Bible Study options that cover a variety of topics all centered around the Bible.
We have two weekly meetings we'd love to see you at.
We have two weekly meetings we'd love to see you at.
Wednesday mornings at 6:30am in the CoffeeHouse at New Hope
|man-ven-ture|: an adventure embarked upon with other men. Manventures are a great opportunity to build stronger relationships with other men here at New Hope through a shared adventure or outdoor activity.

Round Table
The term “round table meeting” symbolizes an informal meeting of men on equal terms. In New Hope’s Men’s Ministry, the roundtable is a weekly gathering where men look at a biblical attribute and how it relates to their life. The gatherings consist of 2-4 men meeting weekly to discuss a biblical attribute, pray for each other and talk about how to be stronger men of God.
Men's Ministry Survey
We want to know how we can better support and connect New Hope men around shared interest, felt needs, and spiritual growth. By taking a couple minutes you can help the church better accomplish these goals.