Nancy Hesch
Nancy Hesch has served with OMS since 2002, helping empower students for future ministry through helping their libraries in seminaries, Bible schools and MK schools worldwide. She has initiated an online catalog for OMS libraries, found at http://www.oms.scoolaid.net.
She answered God’s call to full-time missionary service, and through prayer and preparation, God has opened numerous doors to provide confirmation of libraries as Nancy’s field of service. Her dream of working in libraries has taken her to Mexico City, Mozambique, Haiti and Hong Kong.
Nancy is a graduate of Seattle Pacific College with a degree in English. She received an MLS from the University of Denver in 1982.
She has served as librarian in various schools, corporate and public libraries in Wyoming, Oklahoma, Washington and Alaska. She has also taught in public and Christian schools in Alaska and Washington. She publishes and edits the Christian Library Journal, a book review journal for Christian school, homeschool, church and public libraries.
She answered God’s call to full-time missionary service, and through prayer and preparation, God has opened numerous doors to provide confirmation of libraries as Nancy’s field of service. Her dream of working in libraries has taken her to Mexico City, Mozambique, Haiti and Hong Kong.
Nancy is a graduate of Seattle Pacific College with a degree in English. She received an MLS from the University of Denver in 1982.
She has served as librarian in various schools, corporate and public libraries in Wyoming, Oklahoma, Washington and Alaska. She has also taught in public and Christian schools in Alaska and Washington. She publishes and edits the Christian Library Journal, a book review journal for Christian school, homeschool, church and public libraries.
Storly and Kate Michel
Radio 4VEH
Be a lifeline of hope for Haiti’s people through 4VEH
Like many people in the city of Cap Haitien, northern Haiti, Rev. Storly Michel grew up listening to Radio 4VEH. He knew when it was time to go to school when a particular radio program ended.
Years later in 1996, as a pastor and theologian, Storly began presenting a radio program for young people at Radio 4VEH. He now serves as station director for a second time. He also presents several programs, including daily Bible reading and a Sunday morning devotional, and he is the voice of the audio New Testament on Resounding Hope solar radios/audio players.
Storly’s radio ministry also includes the translation, recording, and production of the well-known J. Vernon McGee Thru The Bible study series into Haitian Creole in a daily 30-minute program that is broadcast across Haiti.
Storly has a diploma in computer science, a bachelor’s in theology from North Haiti Christian University (Limbe, Haiti), and a master’s in communications from Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (Oxford, England). It was in this master’s class in 2002 that he met his future wife, Kate.
Kate, from South Wales, joined the Radio 4VEH staff in 2008 as Marketing & Communications director after five years alongside Storly at the radio station in Cap Haitien. She’s a communications professional, with a bachelor’s in international business and a master’s in communication. Kate served for more than a decade with an international Christian relief and development organization, including several years as a journalist and photographer in West Africa and in Haiti. Kate has a unique perspective on Radio 4VEH’s work, speaking with authority about the impact of Radio 4VEH in the lives of listeners.
Kate is a key leader of the Resounding Hope solar radios initiative. Through stories, photos, speaking engagements, newsletters, websites, social media, and more, she leads fundraising efforts, shares prayer requests and praises, and reports back to supporters on how people are being drawn to Jesus through radio.
After serving in Storly’s home country of Haiti, Storly and Kate Michel and their two daughters, Hannah (born 2006) and Esther (born 2007), are based near OMS World Headquarters in Indiana, USA (with trips to Haiti) where they are providing leadership for Radio 4VEH and engaging supporters with Radio 4VEH ministry.
Years later in 1996, as a pastor and theologian, Storly began presenting a radio program for young people at Radio 4VEH. He now serves as station director for a second time. He also presents several programs, including daily Bible reading and a Sunday morning devotional, and he is the voice of the audio New Testament on Resounding Hope solar radios/audio players.
Storly’s radio ministry also includes the translation, recording, and production of the well-known J. Vernon McGee Thru The Bible study series into Haitian Creole in a daily 30-minute program that is broadcast across Haiti.
Storly has a diploma in computer science, a bachelor’s in theology from North Haiti Christian University (Limbe, Haiti), and a master’s in communications from Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (Oxford, England). It was in this master’s class in 2002 that he met his future wife, Kate.
Kate, from South Wales, joined the Radio 4VEH staff in 2008 as Marketing & Communications director after five years alongside Storly at the radio station in Cap Haitien. She’s a communications professional, with a bachelor’s in international business and a master’s in communication. Kate served for more than a decade with an international Christian relief and development organization, including several years as a journalist and photographer in West Africa and in Haiti. Kate has a unique perspective on Radio 4VEH’s work, speaking with authority about the impact of Radio 4VEH in the lives of listeners.
Kate is a key leader of the Resounding Hope solar radios initiative. Through stories, photos, speaking engagements, newsletters, websites, social media, and more, she leads fundraising efforts, shares prayer requests and praises, and reports back to supporters on how people are being drawn to Jesus through radio.
After serving in Storly’s home country of Haiti, Storly and Kate Michel and their two daughters, Hannah (born 2006) and Esther (born 2007), are based near OMS World Headquarters in Indiana, USA (with trips to Haiti) where they are providing leadership for Radio 4VEH and engaging supporters with Radio 4VEH ministry.

Stephen & Barbara Duhrkoop
Share the Gospel to Haiti via the Radio
Stephen and Barbara Duhrkoop are missionaries, serving in Japan with One Mission Society. Working at the Christian Academy in Japan in Tokyo, they minister to English-speaking children from the missionary, business and diplomatic communities. Stephen teaches social studies and serves as senior class advisor and senior ministry project coordinator, which includes helping supervise the senior ministry trip to northern Thailand. Barbara works in the school business office doing database development. Stephen serves as the OMS Japan field leader and assists in the OMS Christian Mission Church. Barbara assists the OMS Christian Mission Church in publications and hospitality.
Stephen is a graduate of George Fox University and holds a master’s degree from the University of Oregon. Stephen has served in Japan since 1981. That year, he met Barbara, a graduate of Huntington college who had returned to Japan to help her parents in their role as missionaries with the Christian Church. Stephen and Barbara were married in 1983.
The Duhrkoops say of their work in Japan, "We are serving in a country that, though affluent and rich with traditions, has a younger generation that is rejecting many of the traditions, leading to a breakdown of the family, and many youth are without hope and are dissatisfied with life. Today, we need to evangelize this lost generation, creating disciples who will be discipled to reach more disciples. We need to train and release the Japanese to win their fellow Japanese."
The Duhrkoops have two grown children, Joshua and Pamela.
Stephen is a graduate of George Fox University and holds a master’s degree from the University of Oregon. Stephen has served in Japan since 1981. That year, he met Barbara, a graduate of Huntington college who had returned to Japan to help her parents in their role as missionaries with the Christian Church. Stephen and Barbara were married in 1983.
The Duhrkoops say of their work in Japan, "We are serving in a country that, though affluent and rich with traditions, has a younger generation that is rejecting many of the traditions, leading to a breakdown of the family, and many youth are without hope and are dissatisfied with life. Today, we need to evangelize this lost generation, creating disciples who will be discipled to reach more disciples. We need to train and release the Japanese to win their fellow Japanese."
The Duhrkoops have two grown children, Joshua and Pamela.
Bonnie & Tim McGill
Tim and Bonnie McGill work at Morrison Academy in Taiwan. This school exists to meet the educational needs of the children of missionaries in Taiwan but also reaches out to the children of other expatriates in the business community. Morrison is a school system serving more than 800 students on four campuses in different cities.
Tim was born and reared in Taiwan as the son of missionaries who were Bible translators for one of the aboriginal tribes. He received a bachelor’s degree in math from the University of Waterloo in 1977 and in 1985 received a master’s degree in education from Azusa Pacific University Bonnie was the daughter of a Quaker pastor who served in the midwestern United States. She graduated from Barclay College with a bachelor’s degree in Bible/missions, received a master’s degree in leadership studies from Azusa Pacific University and earned a Ph.D. in human services from Walden University.
Tim and Bonnie met in Taiwan in 1976 and were married two years later. In 1980, they returned to Taiwan to work at Morrison Academy as dorm parents. Over the years they have served in a variety of roles with OMS and at Morrison. Currently, Tim is the superintendent of the school and also serves on the board of Central Taiwan Theological Seminary which is affiliated with One Mission Society. Bonnie works for Morrison as the director of human services, doing recruitment and member care. They have two grown children, Nathan who is on staff with YWAM in Brisbane, Australia, and Angel who is currently working with troubled youth in Nebraska. One Mission Society is an evangelical, interdenominational faith mission that makes disciples of Jesus Christ through intentional evangelism, planting churches and training national leaders in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe and Latin America. OMS then joins with those churches in global partnerships to reach the rest of the world.
Tim was born and reared in Taiwan as the son of missionaries who were Bible translators for one of the aboriginal tribes. He received a bachelor’s degree in math from the University of Waterloo in 1977 and in 1985 received a master’s degree in education from Azusa Pacific University Bonnie was the daughter of a Quaker pastor who served in the midwestern United States. She graduated from Barclay College with a bachelor’s degree in Bible/missions, received a master’s degree in leadership studies from Azusa Pacific University and earned a Ph.D. in human services from Walden University.
Tim and Bonnie met in Taiwan in 1976 and were married two years later. In 1980, they returned to Taiwan to work at Morrison Academy as dorm parents. Over the years they have served in a variety of roles with OMS and at Morrison. Currently, Tim is the superintendent of the school and also serves on the board of Central Taiwan Theological Seminary which is affiliated with One Mission Society. Bonnie works for Morrison as the director of human services, doing recruitment and member care. They have two grown children, Nathan who is on staff with YWAM in Brisbane, Australia, and Angel who is currently working with troubled youth in Nebraska. One Mission Society is an evangelical, interdenominational faith mission that makes disciples of Jesus Christ through intentional evangelism, planting churches and training national leaders in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe and Latin America. OMS then joins with those churches in global partnerships to reach the rest of the world.

Pam Duhrkoop
Share the Gospel to Haiti via the Radio
Pam Duhrkoop serves as a HOPE61 international trainer in Japan and South Korea. HOPE61 is One Mission Society’s human trafficking prevention ministry. HOPE61 seeks to partner with national churches to raise awareness about human trafficking and equip them to prevent human trafficking in their communities through evangelism, discipleship, and intentional community building.
Pam is the daughter of One Mission Society missionaries and grew up on the mission field in Japan. Being surrounded by career missionaries for as long as she can remember, she felt a pull toward overseas missions from a young age. In 2004, she returned to the United States to attend college. The summer after returning to the U.S., she attended an OMS conference, where her call to missions was solidified. She received an undergraduate degree in sociology and a graduate degree in criminology and criminal justice. Throughout her time at college, the Lord developed a deep love and passion for social justice in her heart.
In June 2013, Pam attended a HOPE61 training, where God placed a call on Pam’s heart to serve those who are already enslaved in human trafficking as well as those who are vulnerable to becoming trafficked or traffickers. From 2015 to 2017, Pam served with HOPE61 in South Korea. While there, she worked with fellow trainer Monica to develop the HOPE61 training curriculum to fit the South Korean cultural context, and she did extensive research on human trafficking in South Korea. While there, Pam was also involved in English ministry at a local Korean church, leading an English Bible Study and English ministry for kids.
While in South Korea, the door opened for the HOPE61 ministry to begin in Japan. Pam felt the Lord leading her to transfer to Japan to begin the HOPE61 ministry there as well. She is currently funding to go to Japan as a career missionary. She will continue to make several trips back to South Korea each year to assist with the ministry there.
Pam is the daughter of One Mission Society missionaries and grew up on the mission field in Japan. Being surrounded by career missionaries for as long as she can remember, she felt a pull toward overseas missions from a young age. In 2004, she returned to the United States to attend college. The summer after returning to the U.S., she attended an OMS conference, where her call to missions was solidified. She received an undergraduate degree in sociology and a graduate degree in criminology and criminal justice. Throughout her time at college, the Lord developed a deep love and passion for social justice in her heart.
In June 2013, Pam attended a HOPE61 training, where God placed a call on Pam’s heart to serve those who are already enslaved in human trafficking as well as those who are vulnerable to becoming trafficked or traffickers. From 2015 to 2017, Pam served with HOPE61 in South Korea. While there, she worked with fellow trainer Monica to develop the HOPE61 training curriculum to fit the South Korean cultural context, and she did extensive research on human trafficking in South Korea. While there, Pam was also involved in English ministry at a local Korean church, leading an English Bible Study and English ministry for kids.
While in South Korea, the door opened for the HOPE61 ministry to begin in Japan. Pam felt the Lord leading her to transfer to Japan to begin the HOPE61 ministry there as well. She is currently funding to go to Japan as a career missionary. She will continue to make several trips back to South Korea each year to assist with the ministry there.