What to expect
If you’re visiting New Hope for the first time, save time at our check-in stations by pre-registering your family online today! Just click on the button below to begin.
When you arrive on Sunday, look for the New Family Check-In area. We’ll meet your family, check your child into our system, and help you get your kids settled in their age-appropriate room.
When you arrive on Sunday, look for the New Family Check-In area. We’ll meet your family, check your child into our system, and help you get your kids settled in their age-appropriate room.
How do I Check in My kids?
Check-In stations open 15 minutes prior to each service. Our Welcome Team will help you register and walk you through our check-in process. We’ll show you around and help you get your kids settled in their age-appropriate rooms and groups.
How Do I Know My Kids Will Be Safe At New Hope?
Safety is our number one priority at New Hope Kids. Here are some of our safety protocols in place that you can expect:
- Our security team monitors the kids' areas.
- After drop off, all kids' area doors are locked and secured.
- Only a parent with a security sticker, given at check-in with a matching number can pick up your child.
- All volunteers and staff who work with kids are background checked, screened and trained in safety policies.
- Kids' bathrooms are designated for kids only.
- Surfaces, toys, and supplies are cleaned and sanitized after each service.
- All exits, kids' rooms, and main hallways are under camera surveillance.
- We are a nut-free, allergy sensitive ministry. If you have any specific allergies please let our team know at Check-In and a note will be made on your child’s account.
How Will You Contact Me If My Child Needs Me?
In the event that we need to contact you during the service, you will receive a text message on your phone.
Please keep it on vibrate so we can get ahold of you should your child need you.
Please keep it on vibrate so we can get ahold of you should your child need you.
What Do I Need To Drop Off With My Child?
If your child is still in diapers, we recommend bringing a diaper bag and bottle/cup. You’re welcome to leave anything your child might need during this time. Elementary kids are encouraged to bring a Bible. We provide a nut-free, allergy sensitive snack for Preschool and younger each week.
My Child Is NERVOUS, Can I Stay In Their Room?
Because our New Hope Kids area is a secure area, only our background checked team members are permitted in rooms with kids. We allow a short transition time for first time kids and then ask parents to wave a confident goodbye and leave the kids area. We’ve found most kids adjust easily when the parent is happy, confident, and excited about this new opportunity for their child. If your child needs you, we’ll contact you via text message. We won’t let kids cry longer than 10 minutes without contacting you.